Monday 21 October 2013


    To get a look at my overall plan I thought it would be good to look at some typography I might like to use in my book. I know I would like to use quite a decorative text that will look good within and with my illustrations. I know I will need a normal font to use for the main bulk of text and I will need two types of decorative text for the cover and story titles.

  This first font I found while looking at types of fairy tale books (figure 1) they had used it on the cover and I found it very eye catching and has the enchanting style I was after. I like the construction of this font and may consider using it as a base and editing it to my own.

-Dean’s Gold Star Book of Fairy Tales (Figure 1)
  The rest of these fonts (figure 2) I created myself using either fonts I quite liked as an inspiration or completely from doodling down letters. After doing this I decided to get a book and collect and doodled fonts in it that can help further this project and future ones. This will be ongoing through the project.

Figure 2

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