Tuesday 22 October 2013

Layout Ideas

     Here I have done a quick very ruff page plan of what my pages might look like (figure 1 and 2). I have tried to vary what on my pages. I like the idea of some spreads being just an illustration without text and others having quite a large amount of text. Not all 5 stories are included in this ruff as I was still doing research at the time I did this and after concluding my layout research I have decided to completely change the way I have laid this out but I still like the idea of double page image that will break the text up. I feel this layout is very suited is I was making a picture book and that not what I’m trying to create, I noticed this after I had finished looking at children’s books.
Figure 1

Figure 2
This is my first cover design it will include all five female characters on the front showing the diversity of the stories (figure 3). I fell I need to do more design but I am taken by the idea of having all five ladies on the front, the only thing that worries me is that the cover only having women on the front is cutting down my audience just too little girls and that not what I wanted. 

Cover design, figure 3

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