Sunday 20 October 2013

Media and style

    For my project I want to create paper illustrations that will add a magical feel to the text. I think the paper style suits children’s books as its three dimensional (3-D) and this adds to the narrative of an image, I use this to my advantage to create shadows in certain areas. For example in figure 1 I used the shadow from the rocks to show the illusion of the deeper sea. I think this image was successful but I felt I was restricted by the page size and I don’t want this to happen to my illustrations in my book, so will make sure my layouts are well planned. Thought I find it can be hard to reproduce as a high quality print and will have to look seriously into this so that my work is represented in a positive way. Also I really don’t want to have to lose the 3-D aspects of my work as it is important to me.

The world in witch I live, Figure 1
   The other way I like to work is cutting a thick black outline around the colour (figure 2 and 3). I feel this changes the feel of my work, it almost makes it more adult as it makes me refine my colour usage but I do think it would still work for older children due it gives the feel of a stained glass window, and this is quite a different style to usual books.  

Cover for small booklet, Figure 2

Page from inside the booklet, Figure 3

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