Tuesday 22 October 2013

Character design The girl who cried a lake

  When I started to think about designing my main female character for the girl who cries a lake I decided to separate it and look at hair styles with face shape (figure 1 and 2). I really want my characters to be believable and have substance, to do this I will need to know my character inside out and make sure every time I draw she looks the same.  
  These are my first ruff designs of how I might want her to look. I need to make sure that I am true to the culture and ethnicity without being rude or offensive. I have made her eyes larger as I find you can show a lot of emotion through expressions in the eyes like they do in early comic books, this will be a key thing I had to keep in mind while designing her.

Figure 1

Figure 2
  Here I have taken my ideas and drawn her in a surrounding interacting with nature to developed her characteristics (figure 3, 4 and 5). I want to put her in situations that are not related to my story giving me chance to understand and developed her more into a credible character. 
Figure 3

Figure 4
  I took this image (figure5 and 6) further by using my selected media; it is showing her interacting with a little girl. It also gave me a chance to put her in normal clothes rather than the wedding dress. This image is in progress at the moment but I decided to put it up as it shows the colour pallet I have chosen for this story. 
Figure 5

Figure 6

After doing this I have decided that I need to develop her more and do a lot more sketches of her in different poses and do a show around as well as outfit and expressions. This will really help build her nature. I also feel the sample I have done for figure 6 of the media still needs work as it doesn't feel like a resolved image.

More character design, clothing and gesture

Male character.
 As a male character will be a large part of the story I did a quick head shot of what he will look like.

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