Friday 9 May 2014

Final images The shining Princess

These are my final images of the two pages I completed to show how this story's illustrations would look, not including the text. These image work really well due to I concentrated on the composition and how I would make the black space work due to using limited colour. I chose to use purple as in colour theory purple in Japan it signals wealth and in England show royalty, so it works across the culture and understanding it in this country. I also felt as its a bold bright colour it will stand out off the black and white. I decided on this first page to include a small image on the text page to help like image and the text like the border did in Atlanta and if I could I would go back and design something like this on the other stories first text pages. These are the strongest image I have created as I have learned from more than when I started out making my first set of the Sedna and the Hunter image. And If I were to make the rest of this story I would make sure they had the same impact and would make sure the composition would work with large areas of black. 

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