Friday 9 May 2014

Cover and end page designs

 I felt the cover I had before now didn't suit the direction my book was taking so I redesigned it completely as I am now more interested in showing the diversity of my stories rather than my characters.
  This is a ruff idea on what I want my end pages to look like as its adding that extra bit of information about the stories showing where they come from compared to the UK.
End page design
Ruff sketch ideas on cover designs

Finalising the design
 I didn't want the cover to neglect any gender or age so tried to make it universal. To get a good idea of how to do this I looked at other book cover, on pinterest, after looking I found I that I could still make it slightly feminine and still appeal to boys. I came down to two designs but find the second one is to romantic and that's not what I want to show bout my book.
Final design
For my final design I decided to fuse the best parts of my two designs but make them more revolved about the stories from being around the world. So not to alienate any gender I decided to make the sea figure male and the nature figure female. I wanted to have the cover flow from the front to back, when I cut this out I will be in a silhouette style with delicate pattern cut into it. The text will also be part of the paper cut as well rather than adding it on later than on Photoshop. 

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