Thursday 8 May 2014

Designing Sedna and the hunter

 I firstly looked into the culture of Inuit's witch the story is based on. After looking at the culture I made a few sketches that I could use to help design my character. You can find the images I used on my Pinterest.

Using these images as a base for my character I tried a few different face as I wanted to use the traditional clothing shown above.

For this character I decided to make her more curvy rather than really thin as I found a lot of the woman carried a bit more weight as they had to survive long harsh winters and wanted my character to fit in with this. I then designed what the character would look like after turning into a Kokksaut, a bird shaped phantom.
I also from this designed the male Kokksaut.

Designs for the mountain where the kokksaut lives.
Before designing the mountain I looked at real mountains for reference.
Mountain designs and page 1 layouts

After having all the parts I started working on the pages using the layout I had before. Once I started to finalise the page I found that some weren't working and had to re design the layout.
This first image I had the size wrong as I wanted to show how large the bird mas compared to Sedna and this image I had originally just didn't do this.
 Then after redrawing it I still felt the composition was ridged and didn't work and I still wanted a more dramatic size difference.
 After I came to this layout and I felt it will work much better as though he has an intimating size his pose is cradling her in a comforting way showing a softer side t him. I like how his wings frame the image and how she is small and scrunched up away from him. Once cut the image will be flipped.
Page 3 designs
I wanted to show the kokksau'ts rage and wanted to show his more scary side. To look at how he would attack prey I looked at birds and how they attack prey. In the end I decided to go with a silhouette as I thought this would look more ominous and scary.  

Page 4 layouts
I wanted the last page to show Sedna in her Kokksaut form creating the sea creatures as this story has a slightly darker page before and I wanted the story to end on a lighter image. 

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