Friday 9 May 2014

2nd Dummy book

My PDF to my dummy book
This is the PDF of my second dummy book so I could see how it has progressed since the first one. I feel this book still needs work especially some of my early layouts like the girl who cried a lake so they are more defined like my later pages for the shining princess. The typography may also change as I tried to pick an easy font to read, Tahoma is what I have currently used for the body text, its a nice clear font and I think children aged 9 would be able to clearly read it. The story titles font may change as I have currently use the same for all 4 and it would be nice if I had a different header font for each story. Putting my book into Indesign like this with all the text shows me what pages need editing and that look to empty, I will defiantly have to work more on the girl who cried a lake and maybe insert more double page spreads like the other stories.

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