Friday 9 May 2014

Evaluation of project

    My original objective was to create a treasury that contains fairytales from around the world showing different cultures fairy tales, where the female characters aren’t stereotyped to be the damsel in distress. Though I found as my project progressed I found myself becoming more interested in the culture in my tales rather than the charters themselves and wanted to show the culture throughout the stories more than the characters. I found myself looking at different eras of their culture then choosing when I would base the story, and then I would base the style off what I found. I also started to base my character design around the culture making sure they represented the culture fairly and accurately. In the end I changed my project to be based on showing fairytales from other cultures and showing children how diverse and interesting other cultures can be. I became so invested in the diverse nature of my project that it changed without me realising until I stepped back and look over what I had created. I feel this shows how this project has grown into something more than just strong female characters, and has become about how diverse the world is from the subject of the stories to their cultures and way of life .I want children to now see this books and take into consideration how different the world is and become more excepting of this. As it’s important for them to see this at a younger age of 9 - 12 as this is when they start to notice things like this. As a book that represents different cultures fairy tales I feel it is what I wanted even though it wasn’t what I originally stated it grown into something more and I still believe that not all my characters are stereotypical like Atalanta she shows a strong princess who’s downfall was that she was overconfident as she was known as a great female huntress and runner, which are usually traits shown in men in stories.
   My final outcome contains many successful images that illustration the stories and show a little bit more than just what’s in the text. I have seen that as I worked on the stories I learnt new things and ways to improve my work such as in my Sedna and the Hunter images (figure 1) the colour was less developed and this brought down the images composition and overall look, but when I created the images for The Shining Princess (figure3) I had learnt from my mistakes on Sedna, and how I could experiment with limited colour from Atlanta (figure 2) and put this into these images for The Shining Princess. And I did this and found that the images worked so much better due to I had considered not only how the image layout but thought about the empty space and how I would use  it along with the one colour to emphasis certain parts. I’ve never been one usually for spot colour and I just think thanks to this I now realise I need to experiment with it more to improve not only my colour usage but it will help me image design and how I create images that use empty space as part of the image rather than that space just being blank and not part of the design. So I do feel now I need to go over all my pages that have yet to be created and go back and consider all these things I have learnt and apply it to those images before making them in the future.
  My original development work where I looked at artists I feel I should have redone as when my project grew into being more about culture, as I tended to leave that research behind and not follow it through into my work as I became more involved with the diversity and reprsention.  So really I should have looked more into others that did culture fairytales like Daniela Terrazzini whose work I recently came across; she has illustrated a book called Tales for great grandchildren: folk tales from India and Nepal, and her representation of the culture in her illustrations is beautiful and makes you feel as if the culture isn’t alien to you, making it warm and interesting. I think if I had reviews my artist research again I could have looked more into people like Daniela who has already done what I set to create but for a single area.  But my initial research of fairytale books did help me when I created my work as it continually reminded me to make each page a little different and interesting so not to keep the same page layouts witch I have done In my dummy book I tried to mix the pages up as much as I could from double spreads to single images.
   While working on this project I have learned that using limited colour within my illustration works and that I should continue to practice this, I have learnt about creating characters from different ethnicities and cultures rather than just sticking to my own culture. I feel that now being able to do this will really help my future work as being able to show a range of characters that differ in many ways is vital in the children’s publishing industry and shows that I am interested in showing a variety of ethnicities within my work. I have also learnt that looking into other cultures can really help influence my work in new and different ways and has added diversity to how I think about my work and where it can be set. I have also enhanced my skills on programs such as Indesign and how to self print a dummy book, and that I can use Photoshop to add colour to my pieces so I have an idea of what it will look like before I add any colour to the cut image.
    My audience was 9-12 year olds as this is the age where you begin to have your own books and read alone as well as with your parents and having a book that positively represents other cultures will help their understanding of others. I have achieved in creating a book that does this and that is suitable for this age rage, though some of the stories aren’t all happy endings and have some darker tones at this age you can accept this and also my illustrations help lighten the context.
    My book will fit in with the children’s books industry as it’s showing different cultures in a positive light and this is what the industry needs with an ever changing diversity through the nation. I also feel as the stories aren’t your regular fairy tales we all know and so not every publisher will be interested in this book but I feel others that like a new idea will like JJ Books who published Daniela Terrazzini’s book.  Though because at the moment the book isn’t finished I will just be using the images in my portfolio to show to publishers as they show best what I want to do, but when I do finish it the book then I plan on self publishing and selling it. Furthermore thanks to this project I have found an interest in how other countries tell stories and will continue to let this show through my future work and create work about other cultures other than my own.
     Overall this process has taught me a lot and I now know that research can lead to new interesting things that will help further my work and show me things that I can experiment with. My overall work on this project has been to a good standard especially with my later images which were informed by mistakes from the first ones. I have researched into each story and created a diverse book that represents the culture honestly and with respect.  When it came to development my thoughts and ideas became more concentrated and consistent as I worked on each story, taking more into consideration with each mage I cut. My final images are well crafted and the cut is of a high quality and shows how delicate and beautiful my work is, I feel my cutting skills have progressed through this project becoming more precise and now I will consider colour and space more carefully. I think to improve this project I defiantly need to re consider all the pages I have not yet created and make sure they contain the things I have learnt through creating some of the final images. I have found from doing this project that I struggle to keep on top of 3 major projects at once and find I only give attention to two, this has impacted how much work I have done for this and think that I have worked well under the pressure and produced good work to a high standard but I’ll need to make sure when I get illustration jobs to consider how I handled this and will make sure I only take on so many big projects at once. In the end I have learnt a lot form this project and will continue to work on it until I finish the book, and may in the future add more stories, I have achieved something more than what I originally set out as my project changed into something so much more important to me. I have developed my cutting skills and learnt how to contain my colour usage and use space in an image better, I would have like to have had more images complete but due to other projects and how long it takes for me to cut out an image I feel I still have done well on this project.

2nd Dummy book

My PDF to my dummy book
This is the PDF of my second dummy book so I could see how it has progressed since the first one. I feel this book still needs work especially some of my early layouts like the girl who cried a lake so they are more defined like my later pages for the shining princess. The typography may also change as I tried to pick an easy font to read, Tahoma is what I have currently used for the body text, its a nice clear font and I think children aged 9 would be able to clearly read it. The story titles font may change as I have currently use the same for all 4 and it would be nice if I had a different header font for each story. Putting my book into Indesign like this with all the text shows me what pages need editing and that look to empty, I will defiantly have to work more on the girl who cried a lake and maybe insert more double page spreads like the other stories.

Final images The shining Princess

These are my final images of the two pages I completed to show how this story's illustrations would look, not including the text. These image work really well due to I concentrated on the composition and how I would make the black space work due to using limited colour. I chose to use purple as in colour theory purple in Japan it signals wealth and in England show royalty, so it works across the culture and understanding it in this country. I also felt as its a bold bright colour it will stand out off the black and white. I decided on this first page to include a small image on the text page to help like image and the text like the border did in Atlanta and if I could I would go back and design something like this on the other stories first text pages. These are the strongest image I have created as I have learned from more than when I started out making my first set of the Sedna and the Hunter image. And If I were to make the rest of this story I would make sure they had the same impact and would make sure the composition would work with large areas of black. 

Cover and end page designs

 I felt the cover I had before now didn't suit the direction my book was taking so I redesigned it completely as I am now more interested in showing the diversity of my stories rather than my characters.
  This is a ruff idea on what I want my end pages to look like as its adding that extra bit of information about the stories showing where they come from compared to the UK.
End page design
Ruff sketch ideas on cover designs

Finalising the design
 I didn't want the cover to neglect any gender or age so tried to make it universal. To get a good idea of how to do this I looked at other book cover, on pinterest, after looking I found I that I could still make it slightly feminine and still appeal to boys. I came down to two designs but find the second one is to romantic and that's not what I want to show bout my book.
Final design
For my final design I decided to fuse the best parts of my two designs but make them more revolved about the stories from being around the world. So not to alienate any gender I decided to make the sea figure male and the nature figure female. I wanted to have the cover flow from the front to back, when I cut this out I will be in a silhouette style with delicate pattern cut into it. The text will also be part of the paper cut as well rather than adding it on later than on Photoshop. 

Shining princess design

For this story I wanted to look into traditional Japanese culture and use that for the base of the story. You can find some of the images I looked at on Pinterest. I started by looking at Japanese patterns.

-Pattern Source book: Japanese style, 250 patterns for projects and designs, 2005, Shigeki Nakamura, Originally published din Japan by MdN corporation Tokyo Japan

I also came across these image from a female stock image book, that I thought related to this story and would use as inspirations when thinking about finalising my images.

 I then did some drawings of Japanese in traditional dress and some more recent.

I then looked at oriental dolls as in the story she is referred to being beautiful and doll like so looking at dolls seemed like a good thing to do to help my character designs.
Oriental dolls
These kind of dolls have very dainty features like I want the character in this story, I am aware that I wanted to make my characters strong women but at the same time I would rather have more cultural links within the story as I have found it really interesting looking at the cultures and how they are represented. Especially as this character isn't human she is form the moon so making her look like a doll will help show that she isn't human. I then looked at more modern dolls, BJD's or Ball point dolls, they have more manga exaggerated features, big heads and eyes with tiny noses and hands.
After looking over all my material I found I did some character designs and some small pattern samples.

I want my character to be doll like and have chosen to do a mix of two of my designs as I want the character to have traditional hair style. I tried to exaggerate the eyes and made some of her features smaller like her eye brows and lips.
Last page layouts
More defined idea of what the character will look in on the page.
After this I then drew the pages out and knowing what I had learned for the other pages I had already finished in my book, I decided that I wanted to use empty black space to emphasis the image and bright she shines, I also thought to do this to try and represent how Japanese wood prints use white space in there images, but mine will be with black as I want her features to be white like a doll and the pattern to stand out. Though unlike Japanese woodcuts I want to experiment with spot colour as I found it interesting and harder to work with because I am used to just going full colour, but I really liked how my Atlanta pages turned out and how I had to consider design more as I had a limited pallet. So for this story I will further limit myself and see how this affects my work and image making.
page 6
Other pages
page 5

page 1
page 2
Bamboo cut for the first page.

Final images Atalanta

These are my final images of the two pages I completed to show how this story's illustrations would look, not including the text. These images were supposed to based of Greek pottery, I feel that when seeing the images that's what you relate them to but I'm not sure if they work over all as images as they feel slightly flat, more so on the double page than the single. Though I do really like how I used the limited colour in these images and found it worked well in that aspect and will now will push this further and try limiting my colour pallet more and see how that effects my image. 

Designing Atalanta

When looking into this story I wasn't quite sure what to with the style of cut but after looking into the culture I found a large part of the art back then was pottery art. And I found it interesting how they told stories across massive or small vases that were hand painted and very decorative. I thought this would be a great way to tell the story in the style of Black figure pottery, witch I had done some research into when working on my research project. So I looked at the style and how the overall feel was, images on Pinterest.
An image from a female stock image book depicting a female Greek.
After that I went onto designing Atalanta, I wanted her to be strong as she was depicted in the story, I tried to make her toned thin as she would have some muscle from hunting and running. I wanted her to be a female but have tomboy features like the battle scars she proudly shows on the top of her arm.

Observational drawings of archers and boars.

Creating the black figure look.
 I wanted to base the style as much as possible off the pottery so used the colour pallet they would have worked with at the time. I found this a lot different to the way I usually work and think it works quite well.

Page 1 layouts

Page 2 layouts

Vase observational and final page layouts

Final layouts

Final image for The girl who cried a lake

This is the one image I completed for this story, not including the text. I like this images and feels it works well and really like how having a cut pattern under the black outline looks, it adds an extra depth to the images and makes it more interesting and less flat. Though I found scanning this in I did lose the ivory colour that was originally on the dress, as you can see in the photo I took of the image. I think I will need to rescan this and see if I can mess with the settings to save the colour. 
Originally I was going to do this in a more 3D style but after considering my more recent work in other projects I found I proffer to work like this as I can add more detail and it also its a lot easier to print and reproduce. 

Photo of image