Monday 20 May 2013


What I want to communicate through my work is a strong female character that will learn everyday morels and lessons. There will be other strong and well through characters that I will carefully design. I think we take more from stories than we realise especially if it is more subtle rather than being pushed in your face. I want to have a main female character so that the younger generation are more open minded and see female and male as equal. My audience will be mixed gender and at the moment I am still uncertain about the age, but I believe it will be 7-12. I want my audience to learn the morel along with the story but at the same time for it to amuse and entertain them so that they don’t get bored. The morel and lessons will change throughout the stories, some about how we treat other and some showing the importance of looking after the world we live in. I will write the stories with editing and assistance from some creative writing students and some stories will be existing tales. I will credit people where needed.

I think it is important I look into how I can make a female protagonist appeal to girls and boys. And from looking at other sources I found that female protagonist are portrayed to appeal to the male gender in different ways. In most sources that are wrote for children I found to make them appeal to males that there needs to be an extra element within the story, like comedy, fantasy or other characters that appear often within the story. I also need to consider character design and how I want her personalties to be. 

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